Electoral Chair’s Seminar – 23 October

La participation électorale des personnes immigrantes au Canada

Mélyann Guévremont-Université de Sherbrooke et Jean-François Daoust-Université de Sherbrooke

Studying electoral participation is essential. This research project aims to better understand the individual factors associated with the electoral participation of a group known to be less politically active in Canada, despite its growing demographic importance: immigrants. First, we show that electoral participation is heterogeneous within this group, with only those who have recently arrived in Canada (10 years or less) voting at lower rates than Canadian-born individuals. Why is this lower participation concentrated within this group? What are the determinants of their participation? Are they similar to those of the non-immigrant population? Using data from the 2019 and 2021 Canadian Election Studies, including 5,699 immigrants, we attempt to understand the factors behind the gaps in electoral participation by testing various theoretical models. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings.

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This content has been updated on 16 October 2024 at 14 h 08 min.

