COVID-19 project: Citizens’ attitudes

The project

The Chair currently participates in a large-scale comparative project to study citizens’ attitudes under the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of this project, panel surveys are fielded in a number of different countries, with a focus on measuring citizens’ political attitudes and their evaluations of how governments are dealing with the crisis.

Together with Éric Bélanger (McGill University), Jean-François Daoust (University of Edinburgh), Erick Lachapelle (Université de Montréal) and Richard Nadeau (Université de Montréal), Ruth Dassonneville is in charge of the fieldwork for the Canadian case.

In Canada, the project will take the form of a three-wave online panel survey among a representative sample of Canadians.

The first wave data collection of our panel study was done between April 15th and April 21st. And we show some descriptive statistics summarizing Canadian citizens’ attitudes and feelings about COVID-19 here.

Check this space regularly for updates on the project and working papers based on our data collection!

COVID-19 working papers

(1) Daoust, Jean-François, Richard Nadeau, Ruth Dassonneville, Erick Lachapelle, Éric Bélanger, Justin Savoie, and Clifton van der Linden. 2020. “How to Survey Citizens’ Compliance with COVID-19 Public Health Measures? Evidence from Three Survey Experiments.” SocArXiv. April 29. Pre-print available here.

This content has been updated on 30 April 2020 at 7 h 44 min.

