Comparative Election Forecasting
Lewis-Beck, M.S. & Dassonneville, R. (2015). Comparative Election Forecasting: Further Insightsfrom Synthetic Models. Electoral Studies, 39(3): 275-283.
Lewis-Beck, M.S. & Dassonneville, R. (2015). Comparative Election Forecasting: Further Insightsfrom Synthetic Models. Electoral Studies, 39(3): 275-283.
As an enterprise, election forecasting has spread and grown. Initial work began in the 1980s in the United States, eventually traveling to Western Europe, where it finds a current outlet in the most of the region’s democracies. However, that work has been confined to traditional approaches – statistical modeling or poll-watching. We import a new approach, which we call synthetic modeling. These forecasts come from hybrid models blending structural knowledge with contemporary public opinion, to generate ongoing nowcasts of Western European national contests, from six months prior to Election Day itself. These test results, based on election pools from Germany, the United Kingdom, and France, encourage similar research on other European electorates.
Election forecasting, European elections, economic voting
This content has been updated on 14 October 2016 at 22 h 21 min.