Édition 2019 de la rencontre annuelle l'Association américaine de science politique

L'édition 2019 de la conférence annuelle de l'Association américaine de science politique s'est tenue du 29 août au 1er septembre à Washington, D.C. sur le thème "Populisme et privilège".


Semra Sevi, membre de la Chaire de recherche en études électorales et de la Chaire du Canada en démocratie électorale, a présenté une communication intitulée "The Impact of Role Models on Youth Socialization in Politics". Un résumé (en anglais) de cette communication se trouve ci-dessous :


Researchers argue that youth are responsible for the turnout decline across advanced democracies. It is said that youth today lack interest and political knowledge to participate in elections. The literature on role model effects suggests that women and ethnic minorities engage with politics more when they are represented descriptively. As such, it is reasonable to expect that the presence of descriptive role models can fuel youth engagement in politics as well. Yet, no study has examined the impact of age representation of parliamentarians on young people. In this paper, I will ascertain whether having more young elected politicians increases turnout, the level of interest and political knowledge among youth. I will use a unique dataset of Canadian Federal Elections that I constructed which consists of 42 federal elections dating from 1867-2015 and includes the age of every elected politician. I will match this with public opinion surveys in the Canadian Election Study (1965-2015) to examine the overtime comparative link between youth public opinion on turnout, interest and political knowledge and the age of elected politicians. Using the Every Politician dataset, I will conduct a similar analysis across 53 countries combining individual level data about the age of every politician in these countries and Modules 1-4 in the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems which covers the same countries. The hypothesis to be tested is that the greater the share of young parliamentarians in a given election the weaker the age gap in knowledge and turnout.


Ruth Dassonneville a présidé une table ronde sur le thème de la prévision citoyenne (Wisdom or Folly of Crowds? Opportunities & Limitations of Citizen Forecasting). Celle-ci a également remporté, avec Ian McAllister, le prix GESIS Klingemann 2019 for the Best CSES Scholarship pour l'article "Gender, Political Knowledge, and Descriptive Representation: The Impact of Long-Term Socialization" paru dans AJPS.


(Pour plus d'information sur le programme de la conférence, cliquer ici.)

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 8 septembre 2019 à 23 h 11 min.


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